Elim Baptist Church
Elim Baptist Church
Welcome to Elim Baptist Church
Welcome to Elim Baptist Church
"Then they came to Elim..." a Southern Baptist Church, which was established in 1786. We are a faithful and loving body of believers centered around Jesus Christ, the foundation of the church. While we have been around for many years, we still have a vision for the future.
Vision Statement
Vision Statement
Elim Baptist Church exists to glorify God by equipping His people for ministry. A ministry which includes faithfulness to God's Will; faithfulness to corporate worship and Bible study; and faithfulness to telling about Jesus Christ, who gives us a pattern for Christian living.
Our vision is to help people Believe in Jesus, Belong to a church family, Become a disciple, and Build His Kingdom.
We offer ministries for all ages, which will give you an opportunity to serve as the Lord leads you and also grow in your walk with Him. We are excited about what God is doing through Elim in reaching out to the community and the world through our missions.
Our Staff
Our Staff
- Rev. Cleve Calcutt, Pastor
- Mrs. Marjorie Turner, Worship Leader
- Mrs. Ann Floyd, Ministry Assistant
- Mr. Alan Lawhon, Church Sexton
- Mrs. Joanne Long, Organist
- Mrs. Suzette Reynolds, Pianist
See Rev. Calcutt and his Family's picture to the right...

Service Areas
Service Areas
Effingham, South Carolina and the Surrounding Areas
Contact Information
Contact Information
Elim Baptist Church
1303 Olanta Hwy., Effingham, SC 29541
Phone: 843-662-5860
Email: Elim1303@sc.twcbc.com
Church Schedule
Church Schedule
Worship Service In Sanctuary
... 9:00 a.m. Coffee Connection
... 9:30 a.m. Bible Study for All age groups
...10:30 a.m. Worship & via Facebook
(Children's Church & nursery)
...5:15 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal
Nursery provided
Kids Ministry....7:00 p.m. age 3- grade 5
Youth Bible Study in youth room...7:00 p.m.
Adults in sanctuary...7:00 PM & via Facebook
Inquiry Form
Inquiry Form